Epigraph Television Series/Metaverse

Epigraph is a transmedia, entertainment property that integrates a dramatic television series, a mysterious network of web sites and podcasts and a gamified metaverse sanctuary.
The Epigraph metaverse offered three qualities…
Sanctuary – It operates as a safe harbor to gather, converse, debate, innovate and transact far away from the noise and increasing violence of cable and social media news feeds and apps. It is open to only those that are invited and governed by integrated rules of engagement enforced by the Map Makers. New concepts and ideas about politics, economics, technology, relationships and religion find the space to breathe in Epigraph, fail often when simulated but are re-invented before real world pundits can jump them with their dystopian hi jinks.
Incubator – Offers AI enhanced tools to its digital tribes to simulate alternatives to political deadlock, voter polarization, media distortion, social justice, pandemic response, income inequity and surveillance capitalism. Like all new ideas, many fail when simulated in the Epigraph metaverse community, but unlike the real world where such initial failure would spell the end of innovation, Epigraph citizens successfully re-boot their ideas without any risk of damage to their brother and sister avatars.
Amplifier – Promotes proven simulations worked out in Epigragh through digital guerrilla campaigns to true believers in the real world. These story bytes give citizens models of strategy and action that have proven successful when played within the Epigraph metaverse. The block chain, de-centralized structure of Epigraph also protects citizens while they are mounting clandestine “public service” campaigns against those attempting to stop Epigraph birthed ideas gain influence in the real world.
Epigraph Television Series
The Epigraph dramatic television series serves as an important symbiotic piece to the Epigraph metaverse experience. It chronicles one linear version of the story of the Map Makers, a small guerrilla group of activists and their followers attempting to protect and defend democracy in America from corporate oligarchs. The television series will include all the characters, story lines, metaverse activities and podcasts of the total Epigraph concept.
In the Epigraph television series, the Map Makers come from diverse backgrounds including transmedia artists, code hackers, artificial intelligence experts and social activists. They act as semi-clandestine operatives who help those that are being suppressed by the oligarchs and expose illegal acts of the rich and powerful. They carry out their missions by hacking and manipulating the vast data networks of the old world As a result, the Map Makers and their followers are hunted by digital mercenaries working for the old order bent on destroying Epigraph and all it stands for.
All missions that are portrayed in the Epigraph television series can also be “played” by participants in the Epigraph metaverse. Also, stories and tactics that gain traction within the metaverse community can serve as examples of story lines that are included in later television episodes. This symbiotic environment represented by the Epigraph metaverse and television show attracts audiences for both and encourages fans of the television series to actually get involved in real world missions and get rewarded for it.
Map Maker missions are influenced by the academic papers of the Bureau of Now and interactions arising from the DemocKrazy network of podcasts and social media postings. When the television series audience goes looking for these media outlets on-line they will find them. It will seem as if they really exist and have connections to the Epigraph metaverse.
Epigraph stories are pulled from today’s headlines and social media threads. As politicians, social media mavens, the courts, corporate interests and ordinary citizens vie for control of America, the exploits of the Map Makers take place in real life circumstances that Americans currently find themselves in. These include rigged elections, wealth disparity, violent insurrection, social justice, climate change, the rise of misinformation and big lies, disruptive advances in technology and the transition of power from old white men to a multicultural democracy.
The Epigraph experience is unlike any other entertainment/activism transmedia play. It utilizes television episodes, podcasts, blogs and social media apps in conjunction with a metaverse that serves as a gamified activism simulator that is wildly entertaining experience.